Sample-efficient Bayesian optimisation
using known invariances
Neural Information Processing Systems, 2024
Theo Brown
UK Atomic Energy Authority
University College London
Alexandru Cioba
MediaTek Research
Ilija Bogunovic
University College London
Bayesian optimisation
Wide range of applications
Goal: sample efficiency
Symmetry and invariance
How can we exploit symmetry in BO?
- Objective function is known to be symmetric
- Key insight: making one observation gives additional information
- In the noiseless case, this is perfect information
Invariant Gaussian processes
Naive method: data augmentation
- Key insight: making one observation gives additional information
- Data augmentation: add transformed data to dataset \[
\mathcal{D} \gets \mathcal{D} \cup \{(\sigma(x), f(x)) \quad \forall \sigma \in G, x \in \mathcal{D}\}
- Problem: computational cost of GP scales with \(\mathcal{O}(\textcolor{#9a2515}{|G|^3} n^3)\)
Can we do better?
Invariant Gaussian processes
Our method: invariant kernel
- Construct an invariant kernel: \[
k_G(x, x') = \frac{1}{|G|} \sum_{\sigma \in G} k(x, \sigma(x'))
- GPs with this kernel are distributions over invariant functions!
Compute cost reduced from \(\mathcal{O}(\textcolor{#9a2515}{|G|^3} n^3)\) to \(\mathcal{O}(\textcolor{#259a15}{|G|} n^3)\)
Sample complexity for invariant kernel BO
Number of samples \(T\) for precision \(\epsilon\)
T = \tilde{\mathcal{O}}\left(
\right)^\frac{2\nu + d -1}{2 \nu}
\epsilon^{-\frac{2\nu + d -1}{\nu}}
- Large \(|G|\) → large reduction in number of samples
- Lower bound in our paper
Synthetic experiments
Invariant GP-MVR
- Invariant beats standard
- Invariant beats constrained
- Use subgroups for low-cost approximation (2- and 3- block invariance)
Application: fusion reactor design
High-temperature plasma → zero-carbon, low-waste energy
- Task: find an operating point with high stability
- Actuators are permutation invariant
- Using an invariant kernel achieves better results!
Sample-efficient Bayesian optimisation
using known invariances
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